Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cookies For Santa

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even...Jakie and Lily.
We were busy making sugar cookies for Santa.

Mommy bought chocolate (yum) & white frosting & 2 types of sprinkles (yum,yum). I was very careful with the sprinkles.

Notice my meticulous technique- frost the cookie with only a little frosting (only chocolate, please) and they gradually apply the sprinkles. Voila!

Notice there is a little bit of chocolate frosting at the edge of Jakie's lips- he did ALOT of frosting licking as he worked)

Lily on the other hand was a big mess! She did really good for being a little kid, but more went on her than the cookies. Although there was that one cookie that had half a can of frosting on it.

And here they are...we hope Santa loves them as much as we loved making them.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here...

PS What else would Lily and Jakie leave for Santa to drink but chocolate milk!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

To Infinity and Beyond

It was a PERFECT night for trick-or-treating! Not too hot and not too cold. Can you see a sliver of the moon? According to Grandma Genia, we can expect the next three weeks to be as beautiful as today...we'll see.

Daddy helped me get dressed- it's hard work morphing into a superhero! You've got the one piece leotard (very manly indeed), the head gear, the boots, the gloves, the wings...but no cape. That's a lesson I learned from "The Incredibles"- capes attract disasterous outcomes.

Lily watched on "patiently" as daddy helped me become Buzz Lightyear.

A couple of pictures before we head out to get the candy. Notice I taught Lily how to smile appropriately for the camera (eyes closed...big smile). Mommy can't wait until it's time for Christmas card pictures...

Here daddy and I are discussing strategy- saying "trick-or-treat" and then "thank-you" should get me a boat load of candy. Oh, yeah, and being cute always helps too.

I met alot of kids in the new neighborhood- I can't wait to play with them all.

Mommy and brother posed for a picture before they went off to hand out candy. Lily, Daddy, and I continued on for another 45 minutes. Boy did we get ALOT of candy...I don't know when I'll find the time to eat it all.

Hope your Halloween was as great as mine!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Butterflies at the State Fair

How do you like my new bracelet? It's a REAL butterfly. I'm not joking- we went to the Minnesota State Fair in August where we got to be in a room with tons of beautiful butterflies! They just land on you- pretty cool.

This butterfly landed on my hat- what a silly guy.

Lily was a little afraid of the butterflies just landing on her. That's why Daddy didn't tell her that one had landed on her shoe- shhhh, I won't tell if you won't!

On the way out there was a man making sure that none of the buttrflies escaped...

well, he didn't do a very good job with this little guy- I alerted (OK screamed) that there was a black butterfly on the diaper bag. We placed him in a bunch of flowers and wished him well.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Say "AHHHH"!

Today I had a 6:40 pm dentist visit with Dr Jim. It wasn't any ordinary visit- it was my very first! I talked about the visit all day with Lily- I was excited and a little scared. Daddy reassured me that Dr Jim was nothing like the dentist in "Finding Nemo".
Here I am waiting patiently for my name to be called...

This chair is so cool- it goes up and down AND it goes all the way back so that you're lying down.

That's Sabrina- she's my dental hygenist. She got me these cool black glasses to keep the bright light out of my eyes when she's working on my teeth.

Here I am practicing saying "Ahhh".

Sabrina counted my teeth (I have 10 on top and 10 on the bottom), she brushed my teeth with grape toothpaste (yum), and she even flossed them with berry flavored floss!

There was this really cool tube that she put in my mouth and it sucked my saliva right out of my mouth!

I also got to stick my tongue out while I was getting a fluoride treatment. Sabrina said I rocked because not many kids my age sit through all this. Are you kdding- this is AWESOME.

All done- check put these pearly whites! Blinding, aren't they...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Na na na na....BATMAN!

I am Batman!

Check out my long black cape- it allows me to fly (even though I am told Batman does not fly).

My superpowers allow me to stand on one leg...while holding on to something!

Oh oh crime stoppers. There's an A.P.B. out for the capture of this man. Have you seen him? He looks dangerous...

Editor's Note: Batman has discovered his dad's college ID

I've spotted him.
BAM!%$ SPLAT@#!# KABOOM&*!%@

Be worried- I will save you.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy PurPay To Me

Guess What?! Today I became a MAN. Yep, it happens on your 3rd birthday- don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I went out at 6:30 am to get the morning paper, and look what I found- presents...for me!

Well of course I had to tear into them right away. I was so delirious with excitement, that I even let Lily help me open them up. I got a Thomas DVD, A Spiderman memory game, and the Sodor airport.

I went into the playroom to get some engines and what I saw akmost made my heart stop! There, in the middle of the room was a Thomas the Tank "big boy" bicycle. It was beautiful.

I can't really pedal forward, but I'm a pro at going backwards. Who needs to learn how to a ride a bike when I look so awesome on it.

After naptime, all I could talk about was my cake (maybe bug mom and dad about it is more appropriate). I had a cool Thomas cake. Here I am sticking the candles into the cake.
I couldn't wait for Lily to wake up from her nap, so Mom and Dad started singing "Happy Birthday", and I commenced to blowing out the candles...

A One.

A Two.

A Threeee...

This blue frosting is out of this world!

After naps and cake we headed to the MOA (Mall of America to you uncool cats) to check out the new Nick Universe.

Here's Bob-Bob. He doesn't look like he does on tv, however. We did come face to face with the "real" Bob-Bob, but he freaked me out and I started to cry.

Pablo from the Backyardigans is SO 17 month old. YAWN!

Here's my guy Diego (aka Go-Go). Now this is more like it! I think we kind of look alike?!

Lily and I got these matching Bob-Bob shirts at the MOA. We LOVE them! Do you believe a lady at McDonalds actually asked us if we're twins just because we were wearing matching shirts?

I had a great birthday. Hope you enjoyed my memories.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A Pirate Says Arghh

Ahoy, my mateys! You've caught me in the middle of eating me grub! If I don't finish it all the Captain will make me walk the plank...

Can you tell that I get my swash-buckling looks from my daddy?